Vision and mission

The SSH-council of The Netherlands (Social Sciences & Humanities) meets several times a year to work on achieving the following goals:

  1. Structurally increasing the level of organization of the SSH-domain.
  2. Improving university profiling and complementarity within the SSH-domain and finding national coordination within sectors where appropriate.
  3. Promoting and helping to expand SSH-expertise and making it available to science and society.
  4. Creating stronger involvement of the SSH-domain in major social issues.

Important topics

A number of topics are central to the work of the SSH-council.

Firstly, we are working on demonstrating the added value of the SSH-domain more clearly. In addition, the SSH sectorplans are high on the agenda. These are concrete plans by universities to collaborate on crucial themes. We are also working on a national digital infrastructure for the SSH-domain, which should contribute to interdisciplinary cooperation and effectiveness.


Knowledge and talent are the raw materials for a resilient and prosperous Holland and the SSH-domain (social sciences, humanities, law and economics & business) is indispensable in this process. Firstly, because the domain makes the largest contribution to the dominant and growing Dutch service sector – the engine of the Dutch economy. Secondly, because the quality of public institutions, such as education, the judiciary and mental health care, depends on the quality of SSH-disciplines; these institutions form the foundation for well-being and prosperity in a country.

That is why the SSH-council is working on a strong and coherent Dutch SSH-domain. To further utilize the potential of the domain, we encourage collaboration across the boundaries of disciplines, with a focus on socially relevant research, without losing sight of a strong disciplinary basis. SSH-research provides insight into complex social issues, but it is still underutilized. Solid funding for education, research and impact is a requirement to realize these plans.

The SSH-domain can and wants to contribute to major social issues, including:

  1. Youth resilience
  2. Mental health
  3. The human factor in digitalization
  4. Sustainability and behavior
  5. Social inequality, poverty, and diversity


The SSH-council strengthens the position of the SSH-domain, so that it can make a major contribution to prosperity and well-being in the Netherlands.

We do this by promoting collaboration between the four SSH-sectors: economics & business, humanities, law and social sciences. Additionally, in collaboration with universities and partners, we ensure that SSH-research is more effectively involved in addressing societal challenges. To guarantee the quality of the domain, we are building a situation in which solid financing is available.