SSH-council of the Netherlands

The SSH-council represents the Dutch domain of the Social Sciences & Humanities. Our goal is to strengthen the position of the social sciences and humanities in the Netherlands. We achieve this by fostering collaboration between the four SSH sectors: economics, humanities, law, and social sciences. Additionally, we actively advocate on behalf of the SSH-field.

The SSH-council is composed of the chairs of the deans’ councils of social sciences, economics and business, law, and humanities in the Netherlands, along with the two SSH-advisory councils of the KNAW and the NWO-SSH domain. As such, the SSH-council represents the entire Dutch SSH-domain.


The SSH-domain significantly contributes to well-being and prosperity in the Netherlands. Moreover, SSH-education and -research are essential for a solid understanding of complex societal issues. For this reason, we work to strengthen the domain’s position.


We are building a strong SSH-domain, where effective collaboration takes place, so the domain can make a valuable contribution to addressing societal challenges.

Meet the SSH-council

The SSH-council comprises representatives from the Dutch social sciences, humanities, law, and economics and business fields.


Prof. dr. Bas van Bavel


Prof. dr. Peter Verhoef
Chair Council of Deans in Economics and Business

Prof. dr. Leoniek Wijngaards-de Meij
Chair Council of Deans in Social Sciences

Prof. dr. Anthonya Visser
Chair Council of Deans in Arts and Humanities

Prof. dr. Jan Smits
Chair Council of Deans in Law

Prof. Heleen Murre-van den Berg
Chair Council for the Humanities (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences)

Prof. dr. ir. Tanja van der Lippe
Chair Social Sciences Council (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences) 

Prof. dr. Keimpe Algra
Advisory member

NWO participants

Dr. Inge Werner
Director NWO Domain Social Sciences and Humanities

Prof. Antal van den Bosch
Chair NWO Domain Social Sciences and Humanities 

Executive secretary

Dr. Frank Zuijdam


The SSH-office serves as a supporting body for the SSH-council.

Click here for further explanation of the organizational structure.